How To Safely Clean Up Yard Sewage

How to Safely Clean Up Yard Sewage

What Is Yard Sewage?

Yard sewage occurs when a pipe breaks, raw sewage spills out, and waste collects in your yard. This is a serious matter that should never be ignored or postponed. It will not go away on its own, and will only cause you further expense, inconvenience, and health risks the longer it goes untreated.

Being exposed to open sewage can lead to an array of dangerous illnesses, including hepatitis. Because of this, it is best to keep yourself, children, and pets away from the affected areas until the waste has been examined, removed, and thoroughly cleaned by a professional.

Call the Twin Home Experts today at (877) 941-1640 to receive a commitment free inspection. We proudly service the Los Angeles County area. 

How Does It Happen?

A sewage leak can happen to anyone, even those with the most pristine of properties. Sewage can backup into your yard for a number of reasons, including:

  • Pipes rupturing
  • Pipes loosening from a backup
  • Corrosion of old pipes
  • Tree roots interfering with pipes

How Do You Treat It?

If you discover a sewage leak in your yard, time is of the essence. Acting quickly will prevent further damage from happening and return your yard to its normal, safe, pleasant state once more.  Call a professional who can instruct you on what to do next. In rare circumstances, you can handle a sewage spill on your own. This should only be done after consulting the health department, sewage removal company, or a plumber.

Dealing with Minor Spills

Less than 10 gallons of raw sewage could be considered a minor spill. If the spill is minor, you can treat it yourself with garden lime from your agricultural store. Lime will help the sewage to break down quickly and alleviate the unpleasant odor. When coming into close contact with the sewage, always take precautions to keep yourself safe and protected.

  • Cover your clothes with a plastic trash bag with holes cut out for your head and arms
  • Wear rubber gloves and boots
  • Cover your face with a mask and goggles

Wash your clothes thoroughly after clean-up in hot water or throw them away to be safe. Don’t eat or drink near the area and always wash your hands after coming into close proximity of the sewage.

When treating a minor spill:

  • Generously sprinkle the lime over the sewage (it should be completely covered in white dust).
  • Using a rake, work the lime into thicker parts of sewage if necessary.
  • Let the lime sit on the sewage for 24 hours.
  • Using a shovel, transfer the remaining lime substance into strong trash bags, doubled for safety.
  • Wash any remaining lime away from the area with a hose.
  • Allow the area to dry completely in the sun; hose down again as needed.

If the Sewage Is Major

It’s best to call a professional if you experience large amounts of raw sewage in your yard. With special equipment and professional trucks, a sewage cleanup company can ensure that the waste is properly removed from your property for your family’s health, safety, and convenience.

Twin Home Experts Can Help

Trying to tackle a sewage leak in your yard on your own can be overwhelming, expensive, and dangerous. Fortunately, Twin Home Experts are here to help with all of your sewer and drain emergencies 24/7. With over 55+ years of combined plumbing experience, the experts at Twin Home Plumbing will not only find out where your sewer leak is coming from, but remove the sewage and repair the damage, so that you can be sure your property and family are safe. Contact us today to learn more. We can’t wait to exceed your expectations with quality workmanship and exceptional customer service.

Call the Twin Home Experts today at (877) 941-1640 to receive a commitment-free inspection. We proudly service the Los Angeles County area. 



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