Gas Poisoning Tragedy

In late August of 2014, tragedy struck when two employees of a repair crew called Camp Industries died after being trapped inside of the sewer of a shopping center in Scottsdale. A third employee who was stuck with them was saved when emergency rescue officials arrived at the scene shortly thereafter. The division chief of the Scottsdale Fire Department promptly discerned that the problem was poisonous sewer gas. Authorities evacuated the entire building, and the third worker was washed off and carried away in an ambulance. The bodies of Jarod Camp, 41, and Jeremy Johnson, 36, could not be removed until proper ventilation was achieved, as the gasses just 15 feet below the surface were too dangerous. The full article can be found here.
This story was particularly sad for us at the Twin Plumbers, as we’d gotten to know Camp Industries rather we through working with them on commercial jobs in that area. They’re a quality company with talented and friendly technicians, and our hearts go out to them. We wanted to show all of you this sad news in hopes that it may give you new appreciation for what our service professionals do — as it did for us.
Our condolences go out to the families of Jarod and Jeremy. Many people don’t realize what a dangerous line of work plumbing can be, but at The Twin Plumbers we know firsthand that accidents can happen to anyone. We can only hope that further precautions will be taken so tragedies like this one don’t recur as we move forward.
This unfortunate news story serves to emphasize the severe hazards of sewer gas and the importance of sanitation safety. Of course, Jarod and Jeremy were professionals in a dangerous line of work, and the concentration of sewer gas in the area where they were doing maintenance work on sewage pumps had a much higher concentration of toxic gasses than any normal residency. However, the point remains that sewer gas issues should never be ignored or treated with anything but utmost care and precaution.
If you have a bad odor in your home, call the Twin Plumbers for a solution today.
The post Two Workers Die of Sewer Gas Poisoning in Scottsdale, AZ appeared first on Twin Home Experts.