Clogged Shower Drains, No More!
Find The Answers To Your Issues From The Experts
If you’re dealing with a slow shower drain or completely clogged shower drain, then you have come to the right place.
Twin Home Experts a Los Angeles Plumber for almost 30 years has unclogged more than 3,000 shower drains and wanted to offer some helpful tips and how to videos to hopefully provide you a free flowing shower drain.
When it comes to shower drain clogs more then likely it’s going to be a mixture of hair and soap scum. Let’s determine the 3 types of hair clogs that your shower may have:
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#1 - Localized Clog:
If your shower drain fills up right away, then your hair clog is more local. This is going to be the easiest problem to solve.
# 2 - Standing Water Shower Drain Clog:
If you have standing water in your shower, then more than likely the clog is further down the line and needs a deep cleaning.
If this is the case then traditional drain snaking using a 1/4 inch cable to feed the metal cable down to wrap the hair and loosen up debris.
Here is a video showing you what to expect while performing drain snaking with a cable that will pull out a massive hair clog out of shower drain:
Twin Tip: run HOT water after you clear the line, if you hear a mixture of air and water, then you have accomplished clearing the drain.
# 3 - Stubborn Shower Drain Clog:
If you have done all the above and still can’t get the shower drain cleared, then this is when you need a professional to come in and take over.
Depending on the age of your drain lines or the age of your trap really will determine if you have to ultimately replace your shower drain.
Twin Tip: Find the cheapest drain cleaning special out there from a reputable plumber and have them give it a shot. These drain cleaning specials are as low as 45.00. Now, if they try to sell you something more then 1,000.0 ALWAYS get a second opinion.

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