How to Deal with Mold Damage in Your Home
If you have a mold problem in your home, it can cause you and your family serious problems. Mold develops in areas that are prone to moisture, like the bathroom, kitchen, or basement. Porous materials such as carpeting, drywall, wood, insulation, paper, clothing, leather, and food are particularly susceptible to mold growth. Over time, the mold will damage these materials and cause health issues so it’s important to deal with the mold damage as soon as it is evident.
Signs of Mold Damage:
While mold may be visible in some instances, this isn’t always the case. Even if you can’t see any outward signs that mold is growing, your home may still be infested. Look for the following signs of mold damage:
Visible Mold Growth: Usually, it’s easy to spot mold, but it can easily be overlooked. Mold comes in a large variety of colors from white to black and everything in between. In some cases, it has a thread-like appearance and other times, it’s a cluster of spots that resemble soot or dirt.
A Moldy Odor: Oftentimes, the only sign of mold growth in a home is the distinct odor that it emits. It may be stronger in some rooms or areas of your home, especially when the area is closed off or when the humidity level increases. For example, your basement may have a heavy moldy smell.
Moisture Issues: Long-term moisture from high humidity, a past flood event, leaking pipes, a faulty roof, or condensation is a sign that mold may well be present. It won’t always be obvious though. Mold will often grow inside walls, in carpets and in other areas that aren’t readily seen.
Allergy Symptoms: Mold can cause an allergic reaction. The most common allergic reactions to mold include a runny nose, nasal congestion, sneezing, and itchy, watery eyes. If you’re experiencing these symptoms while you’re at home but not when you’re away, there could be mold growth inside your home.
How to Deal With Mold Damage: The first step in dealing with mold is to acknowledge that it exists by looking for the signs mentioned above. If you’re sure there’s mold growth, there are a few things that you can do to mitigate the issue. Keep in mind, however, that mold can be dangerous; you must protect yourself with a mask and proper clothing.
Mold on Non-Porous Surfaces: Non-porous materials like painted walls are fairly easy to clean with a bleach and water solution which will kill the mold. You can also use vinegar, Borax, or a commercial mold killing product.
Mold on Porous Surfaces: Porous surfaces like unpainted drywall allow moisture to permeate and they also contain a high level of cellulose, which is a primary food source for mold. Moldy drywall cannot be cleaned and it has to be removed in order to stop the mold growth.
Mold Inside Walls, Ceilings, and Floorboards: The cavities inside walls, under floorboards, and in ceilings are another prime place for mold to grow. They’re also the toughest places to find and treat it. You’ll need to open up the space and thoroughly inspect the area, which is better left to a professional.
Mold on Soft Materials: Soft materials like carpeting, clothing, paper, and leather will harbor mold growth if they’re wet for a long period of time. In most cases, the best way to get rid of the mold is to remove the material from the area. Use heavy trash bags, wear protective clothing, and keep the area well-ventilated during removal.
Mold Remediation Specialist
Dealing with mold in your home isn’t the most pleasant activity, and it can cause you to experience a variety of health issues. Don’t put yourself in that position. Contact us at Twin Home Experts. With more than 55 years of combined experience, you can rest assured we know how to get rid of the mold and keep it away so you and your family can breathe easy for years to come.

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