What to Do If Your Basement Has Mold
Mold in the basement is more than a nuisance. It can be a health hazard for you and your family. Here’s what you need to know about mold in the basement:
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How Does Basement Mold Form?
Mold is going to form where there’s moisture. Many basements provide an ideal environment for mold to grow. Frequently, they have high humidity levels because they’re unheated and poorly ventilated. Foundation leaks and condensation from appliances are other common sources of excess moisture in basements.
How Can You Tell If Your Basement Has Mold?
- A musty smell is usually a sign mold is present.
- You had a leak or flooding in the basement. If a portion of the basement stayed wet for more than 48 hours, that’s enough time for mold to grow.
- Your basement has a humidity level of more than 60 percent. You can measure with an inexpensive humidity meter. If condensation is on your basement windows, walls, or pipes, you don’t need a meter. The humidity level is already high enough for mold to thrive.
- Inspect the entire basement. In homes, mold is often black or dark green, but it can appear in a number of colors, including white, brown, or yellowish. It can grow in patches, specks, or streaks. It may look furry or slimy. During your inspection, you want to give special attention to walls, floors, and areas around pipes and appliances. It’s important to check the underside of anything that’s had direct contact with the floor like rugs, cardboard boxes, and furniture.
- You and your family experience cold-like symptoms. The strange thing is the symptoms only appear when you’re at home. They disappear when you’re away from home. You and your loved ones are probably having an allergic reaction to mold.
How to Get Rid of Mold
You need to clean up the mold and eliminate the source of excess moisture. Getting rid of mold without dealing with moisture is pretty much a guarantee the mold will return.
What to Do about Excess Moisture
1. Increasing ventilation is the key to getting rid of condensation. It helps to open windows and run fans.
2. A dehumidifier may be necessary to keep basement humidity in check. Also, make sure appliances like clothes dryers are properly vented to outdoors.
3. We can’t stress enough how important it is to always fix plumbing leaks quickly.
Should You Clean Up Mold Yourself?
Probably not. If the affected area is less than three feet in any direction, you may be able to get rid of it yourself. Wearing protective gear is essential. You’ll need gloves, an N-95 respirator, and goggles. Clean hard surfaces with detergent and water. Make sure the area dries quickly and thoroughly. Typically, when soft materials like rugs or insulation become moldy, they have to be discarded.
What If I Can't Clean Up the Mold Myself?
Cleaning up mold can sicken homeowners who have a mold allergy or asthma. Going the DIY route is usually ineffective when mold covers large areas. Give us a call. Our experienced team of professionals can help.
How Should I Manage My Basement to Keep Mold Away?
After you get rid of the mold, you’ll want to keep in mind the above tips about dealing with excess moisture. Also, it’s important to take steps to prevent foundation leaks. Gutters need to be kept clean. Downspouts should be carrying stormwater away from your foundation.
Why Call Twin Home Experts?
With Twin Home Experts, you get the benefit of more than 30 years of experience. Since we’re mold remediation specialists and licensed plumbers, you only have to deal with one company for mold remediation and moisture control. Contact us today for help ridding your basement of mold.

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