4 Questions About Mold in Your Attic
When it comes to dealing with mold, most people want to avoid it at all costs. Unfortunately, mold can crop up in places where you least expect it, such as in the attic of your home. Here are the answers to 4 important questions about mold in your attic:
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What Is Mold?
Mold is a fungus that is made up of small organisms. Mold is usually black, white, orange, green, or purple in color and can be found both indoors and outdoors. While mold outdoors is actually good and needed in the environment, mold inside can be a problem. When mold grows, it releases spores into the air that are then inhaled. When a lot of spores are being released in a small area, such as inside a home, adverse health effects can result. This is especially true of toxic molds, such as black mold.
How Can I Tell If I Have Mold in My Attic?
Attics are prone to mold due to the excess moisture that usually gathers because of poor ventilation and moisture build-up. If there is mold in your attic, it’s important to recognize it so that you can get rid of it. Here are some signs:
- Discoloration on the walls, ceiling, floors, and pipes
- Discoloration on old boxes or books
- Colored spots that are round or crescent shaped
- Musty, unpleasant smell
- Excessive moisture in your attic
How Do I Get Rid of Attic Mold?
If you find that you do have mold in your attic, contacting a professional is your best choice. Not only is the mold in your attic potentially dangerous, but your attic itself is a hazardous location to navigate. A professional can safely access your attic and begin the process of removing the mold through the use of chemicals, sealants, partial wood removal, and whatever else is necessary to get the job done.
How Can I Make Sure the Mold Doesn't Return?
There are certain changes that you can make in your home to try and ensure that the mold doesn’t return. The first thing that you should do is have all of the ventilation in your attic thoroughly examined to make sure that it is functioning as it should. Poor ventilation in your attic is one of the main reasons that moisture gathers and creates mold. Having a ventilation system that allows air to both enter your attic from the exterior and exit back out is key. It is also a good idea to have your roof inspected to make sure that moisture coming in through there. Also, verify that your bathroom fans, kitchen fans, and dryer vents, are ventilated properly. They should be taking moisture up and out of your home and not releasing it in the attic.
Call Twin Home Experts!
If you have found mold in your attic, Twin Home Experts can help. We are available 24/7 and have professionals available for free assessments of your mold situation. Contact us today!

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