[VIDEO] How to set a rat trap that works!! Catch MORE rats FASTER
These are the frustrating questions we get asked all the time from homeowners:
“Why aren’t my rat traps working?”
“Why am I not catching rats?”
With so many different types of pests and traps out there – like glue traps and wood traps – it’s easy to just throw your hands up and give up trying to trap the rats in your home or business. But if you know how to set a rat trap that actually works, your chances of success can increase drastically!
Twin Home Experts have solved and helped over 3,000 homeowners put their rat infestation to rest. Our customer service is unmatched!
We even wrote the book rodent control if you want to really solve your rat & mice issue follow these straightforward steps!

STEP 1 – GUARANTEE to catch rats with your traps!
We have arrived at hundreds of pest infestation jobs where the previous pest control services failed to fix the rat problem. The homeowners are frustrated because their rat issues are still present. Sometimes these specific pest problems have been plaguing them for years with no relief!
The point is not to brag but to share what we have witnessed to help you avoid these same rat infestation issues. We have sometimes witnessed over 30 traps in an attic that a pest control expert has left behind, but NO rats! The homeowners are still hearing and seeing rats in their homes.
This is because the previous exterminators may have known how to set a rat trap, but not how to do it properly!
It’s very simple! It’s because the entry points to the home have not been properly identified and sealed up. Rats are super intelligent and are very neophobic, so any new objects they see, they simply look at them and walk away.
You as a homeowner should NEVER have to wait over 2 weeks if you have hired a rat control expert, pest control company, or wildlife to stop rats into your home. If you are still dealing with rat activity in your home after you hired an expert, then you need to move on to another company. They have missed something, more than likely they won’t find it if they come back again!
You as a homeowner must demand from your pest control company to show proof of how rats or mice are getting into your home. If they can’t, then you will more than likely continue to deal with rodent activity. Just because they know how to set a rat trap doesn’t mean they can get rid of your rodent problem.
(Especially if you hired a pest control company.)

Once the actual rat entry points are all sealed up the rat traps will actually work, guaranteed!
There are so many different opinions on the best ways to rat trap and the reason for this is because each environment is so different. In the sections below we’ll give you our expert tips on how to set a rat trap that actually works based on the environment.
Here are some different examples to help you choose what rat method you should use:

Trapping rats in your garage
If you have been dealing with rats in your garage and cat door or dog food has been left out, then use your pet food to your advantage to bait your traps. We like using Victor rat wood snap traps.
Take the pet food and lightly glue a piece of pet food on the feed plate. Set the traps in the most active spots in your garage.
You can also get a few catch master glue boards and set them along their runways. You typically want to set these in the middle of the runways.

Trapping rats in your attic
When trying to catch the remaining rats in your attic it can be a bit challenging in many ways. Especially if you have a lot of contents stacked up that do give you much access to the attic space.
Now, keep in mind you may have a bigger problem if rats had taken over, so plan on throwing away boxes and cleaning up the attic.
Here’s how to set a rat trap in your attic to make it less frustrating for you:
Take a wooden Victor rat trap and screw it down on a piece of plywood that will lay over the width of the joice in the attic.
Depending on how bad your infestation is, you may have to set up up to 6 of these.

Trapping rats in your kitchen
Kitchen rat trapping can be difficult or can be super easy!
The one big mistake I see homeowners do is leaving food out. ( fruits, potatoes, dog food, and cat food) this is a BIG NO!
Make sure all food sources are put away! Now you are ready to trap.
If you have had mice or rats under your kitchen cabinets then set up catch master glue boards with a small piece of dog food in the middle.
You can also, set up Victor’s wooden rat traps with a bit of peanut butter. We say “a bit” because when you trapping at this stage, you do not want to over bait. The reason for this is that if the trap deploys, then they have plenty of food for days.
Pro Tip:
You can place your traps on a piece of cardboard, so when you trap a rat and it does get bloody, then the cardboard will protect your flooring.

Trapping rats in your walls
If you have had rats in your walls, here’s how to set a rat trap for them:
- Get a small styrofoam ice chest
- Open the wall about 6 inches by 6 inches at the floor level, where rats were active
- Make the same size hole in the ice chest
- Set up a Victor rat traps with peanut butter
- Place the ice chest over the rat trap up against the wall with a hole in the ice chest that lines up with the hole in the wall to allow the rat to come into the rat trap
You can set up a wi-fi camera to monitor activity by opening the back of the ice chest and sliding the camera.
Here is a video of exactly the effectiveness of this method:
[VIDEO] HOMEMADE ICE CHEST RAT TRAP!? Will they chew through it?

Trapping rats outside your home
This can be the biggest challenge you will have. It’s almost impossible in our opinion to catch rats outdoors.
Rats are VERY neophobic and very intelligent creatures.
They can sense danger and most often outsmart the trapping and baits we set up on the outside of the home.
The best is poison baits, but then there may be secondary damage is to the wildlife, which we do not accept or believe in.
So one way we’ve found is to set up a wooden box and place your rat traps inside the box with an opening at the side for the rats to walk into.
The reason for the box is to protect cats, dogs, and other wildlife to get snapped up.
Pro Tip:
Set your trapping up by a backyard shed or along a wall or close to a wood pile.
Twin Home Experts is a leader in rat mitigation and offer a GUARANTEE to stop your rat problem!
We hoped this helped you move in the right direction to stop your rat problem.
We offer services in Southern California, and Phoenix Arizona and will travel anywhere where you need us.