Your #1 Source for Attic Cleaning and Decontamination in Los Angeles. Call (866) 544-0120
Has Your Attic Suffered From A Rodent Infestation and Now Requires Attic Cleaning and Decontamination Services? Our LA Attic Cleaning Company Can Help. Call the Twins for Twice the Service, Twice the Care!
Los Angeles Attic Cleaning Services
Most homes in Los Angeles have attics, which are perfect for rodents to nest and migrate. Rodents especially during the winter months love the warmth of attics due to the Insulation, and the temperatures that attics hold.
In today’s post, we will answer the most frequent questions we get from property owners across Los Angeles about attic cleaning & decontamination from rodent infestation.
Why Do I Hear Rodents Moving Around At Night?
Rats are nocturnal, they are very active at night and early mornings. This is when the contamination begins, as they urinate and defecate up to 50 times a day. The quicker you are on eradicating them from the attic, the less damage & clean up you’ll need, saving you cost.
How Are Rodents Getting Into My Homes Attic?
Rodents particularly roof rats have the ability to climb from telephone pole wires, trees that overhang rooftops, cable lines and we are seeing much more, rats getting in through sewer waste pipes & vent pipes that do not terminate through the roofline. HVAC venting & dryer vents are also another way we are seeing rats getting into homes.
Roof Rats FACTS :
Identification: A Norway rat is larger and thicker than the roof rat. The roof rat has larger ears and a more pointed nose as well.
10 signs a rodent may have infested an attic are;
- Feces(droppings)
- Gnawing damage
- Burrows
- Runways
- Tracks
- Grease marks
- Urine stains
- Visual sightings of live or dead rodents
- Rodent sounds
- Rodent odors
Very important to hire the right Los Angeles attic cleaning and rodent exclusion company that will perform both, otherwise the roof rats will continue to enter costing you more grief & cost.
How Much Does Attic Cleaning Cost In Los Angeles?
This is one of the most frequent questions we get at the Twin Home Experts for cleaning and replacing attic insulation. When it comes to cost, there are so many factors that dictate price.
Here Are The Top 10 Issues That Can Affect The Price:
1- Size of the attic that needs cleaning
2- Accessibility, is it a tight space, or are is there a large working space
3- How much contamination light, medium, or aggressive
4- Does the attic have blown-in insulation or is it rolled in
5- Is there a heavy urine smell or very light
6- How many entry points need to be covered
7- Tapping involved or not
8- Is there nesting with babies that need to be removed
9- Are the HVAC ducts or other mechanical materials impacted
10- roof repairs or siding repairs that need to be addressed
Here at The Twin Home Experts, we’ve performed attic cleaning, decontamination, and rodent exclusion services. If your searching for attic cleaning in Los Angeles it’s important to know in Los Angeles services can go as high as $15,400.00 to as low as $650.00.
Re-installing insulation also affects pricing. A lot of our customers are taking advantage of the rebates. Did you know Mayor Garcetti announced a new $100 million insulation rebate program?
How Long Does It Take To Clean An Attic?
Attic cleaning can vary, again depending on the list of 10 items listed above, you can expect 5 to 8 days for aggressive treatment to one day for a light infestation.
Who Are The Best Attic Cleaning Companies In Los Angeles & San Fernando Valley?
1. (BEST) Twin Home Experts
Has many abilities with all their licensing, certifications, and state of the art equipment to perfectly clean your attic and perform other services if required.
2- All-Star animal trapping
Great team, Robert the owner is knowledgeable and runs a great team. In addition, if you have possums or other animals, in the attic they are very good at trapping.
3- Rodent Stop
They are good at what they do with their 100 % guarantee but customers have reported their prices are very expensive. They don’t have other repair licensing such as plumbing or detection equipment like Twin Home Experts, this is why they often contact the Twins to assist on their projects.
Rodent stoppers is becoming a great online platform that helps local Los Angeles property owners guide them educated them to 5 Star rated attic cleaning companies impacted by Rodent infestation.
What Is The Process Of Attic Cleaning for my Los Angeles Home?
When you’re vetting out companies to clean & decontaminate your attic in Los Angeles, it’s important to ask them “ What is your process of protecting my home?” while you’re doing the cleaning in my attic and “how are you different than every other LA company?”
When hiring the Twins, you can expect the following as we:
1 – Place floor protectors from work area to exit
2- Use Hepa Air scrubbers and Dust extractors should be set in place
3- Tightly seal containments from attic access entry point to the floor
4- Bag, seal & dispose of contamination materials
5- Use Hepa vacuum all areas into a commercial-grade extraction machine
6- Decontaminate using electrostatic foggers
7- Seal all entry points
8 – Inject nontoxic smoke to all vents to verify no entry points exist
9- Micro Wipe all wood framing & drywall that has been impacted
10 -Trap and bait if needed to get rid of any rodents
11 – Reinstall insulation with either blown-in or rolled insulation.
Attic cleaning in Los Angeles can be performed very quickly, thoroughly, and most of all affordable if you hire the right company. Make sure you ask for before and after photos as this will give you peace of mind that it was properly completed.

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